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Functional Wellness at Healing Path of Rockford

happy person with arms outstretchedWhile the conventional medical model takes an outside-in approach to addressing health challenges, functional wellness and nutrition addresses the root causes of health issues, promoting long-term well-being and optimal functioning of the body.

At Healing Path of Rockford, Dr. Leonard leads our focus on holistic healthcare through a range of functional wellness services. We aim to be your primary holistic resource for natural health care, offering chiropractic care, acupuncture, massage, and nutritional services alongside advanced testing options.

Advanced Testing for Personalized Care

We provide Cellular Nutrition Assays, offering insights to micronutrient and antioxidant needs to nourish and protect your body at the cellular level. Our testing provides information about the nutrient stores inside your cells – like hemoglobin A1C provides long-term information about blood sugar regulation. Nutrients are essential to health. Vitamins, minerals, amino acids, and fatty acids, are utilized within cells and are the “spark” behind metabolic reactions. It is also vital to maintain balance between oxidant stress and antioxidant factors to prevent damage in the body. This testing tells you exactly what your insufficiencies are so there is no guesswork in determining what your body needs. With the right food and supplementation plan we are able to give you exact steps to regaining your health.

Our MethylDetox Profile testing goes beyond standard MTHFR testing, providing a complete picture of methylation and detox pathways with suggestions for specific nutrient needs. Methyl groups are biochemical on-and-off switches of gene expression. They control enzymatic reactions, impact mood and neurotransmitter balance, protect against chronic degenerative disease by reducing inflammatory processes, transform toxins into forms that are readily excreted, impact tissue healing, and protect cells from oxidative stress. Who may benefit from this test? Individuals experiencing fatigue, depression, anxiety, panic, insomnia, mood swings, cardiovascular disease, cancer, musculoskeletal disorders, weight difficulties, metabolic syndrome, diabetes, or signs of poor detoxification.

person cooking healthy food

Food Sensitivity Testing

Food sensitivity testing is also available, helping identify foods that may be inflammatory in nature for you and causing adverse reactions. A sensitivity, or delayed reaction, can occur days after an exposure. Food sensitivities may arise anytime throughout one’s life, and can be exacerbated by many factors, including stress. They may result from repetitive eating, lack of diversity in the diet, emotional or physical stress, reduced oral tolerance, and acute or chronic conditions. We test over 180 different foods from spices to proteins and everything in between. The information from this test allows us to tailor a nutritional and supplementation plan to your specific needs.

Our functional lab work testing involves blood draws and an analysis of various health markers. We dive deeper into testing than your annual lab work typically does. These tests help identify nutritional deficiencies, hormonal imbalances, autoimmune markers, and other underlying health issues, enabling us to create personalized wellness plans. Our lab testing does not utilize any insurance participation which helps to keep cost effective for you.

We offer detoxification protocols and support with CellCore products. Everyone’s detox journey and symptoms look different, which is why there’s not a one-size-fits-all protocol. And sometimes less is more. There is a proper order to follow when supporting your body’s natural ability to detox and heal. This order properly prepares the body for detoxification by first supporting the mitochondria and opening drainage pathways. This helps minimize those unwanted reactions and ensures the body has sufficient energy to detoxify properly.

Holistic Approach to Health and Wellness

Our goal is to offer a comprehensive and holistic approach to health care. More people are looking for ways to heal naturally and by identifying deficiencies and imbalances through functional wellness testing, we can accomplish that. We also use homeopathy to support your body’s needs and complement our findings with high-quality homeopathic remedies. We develop personalized strategies to help you achieve your health and wellness goals.

Dr. Leonard and our team are committed to helping you achieve overall wellness. We believe in addressing the root causes of health issues rather than just treating symptoms. Our approach combines advanced testing with traditional natural healthcare methods to provide a well-rounded approach to your care.

By offering a wide range of services in one location, we make it convenient for you to access the care you need. Our practice serves as a central hub for your health and wellness journey, eliminating the need to visit multiple providers for different aspects of your care.

Get Ready to Be Your Healthiest Self

You shouldn’t settle for suboptimal health. If there is something you love that a health concern is keeping you from doing, call us! There are other options. At Healing Path of Rockford, we want to help you achieve and maintain the maximum wellness you deserve. Contact us today to schedule an appointment!


Functional Wellness Rockford IL | (815) 977-5480